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Feb 28, 2020

s723 - episode 723

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"tout le monde sait où"
"cette route nous mène..."

(andrew weatherall)
serious drinking - blitzkrieg bop. (terry edwards presents... no fish is too weird for her aquarium - 1994, sartorial)
lark - the cupboard (funny man - 2020, wormhole)
andrew weatherall - disappear...

Feb 21, 2020

s722 - episode 722

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"tout le monde sait où"
"cette route nous mène..."

(andrew weatherall)
bill haley & his comets - R.O.C.K. (7" - 1956, brunswick)
75 dollar bill - there's no such thing as a king bee (I was real - 2019, glitterbeat)
beach bullies - underwater torture (we rule the universe -...

Feb 14, 2020

s721 - episode 721

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"tout le monde sait où"
"cette route nous mène..."

(tilda swinton, ralph fiennes, grand budapest hotel)
oiseaux-tempête - canyons (tlamess - 2020, subrosa)
good good blood - sanctuary mornings (at your mercy - 2020, fox food)
chromatics - move a mountain (closer to grey -...

Feb 7, 2020

s720 - episode 720

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"tout le monde sait où"
"cette route nous mène..."

(lilian gish)
david j. & rené halkett - nothing (7" ad 112- 1981, 4AD)
the fast set - junction one (7" axis 1 - 1980, 4AD)
the the - controversial subject (7" ad 10 - 1980, 4AD )
in camera - apocalypse (13 (lucky for some)...