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Dec 5, 2020

s756 - episode 756

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"tout le monde sait où"
"cette route nous mène..."

shox - no turning back (7" axis 4 - 1980, 4AD)
cocteau twins - dear heart (john peel session 31.01.1983, 4AD )
in camera - fragments of fear (IV songs 12 bad 19 - 1980, 4AD)
modern english - life in the gladhouse (12" bad 208 - 1982, 4AD)
dead can dance - mesmerism (spleen and ideal cad 512 - 1985 4AD)
birthday party - mr clarinet (natures mortes still lives ad 117 - 1981, 4AD)
his name is alive - karin's blues (someday my blues will cover the earth cad 2101 - 2001, 4AD )
throwing muses - pandora's box (s/t cad 607 - 1986, 4AD)
dif juz - gunet (vibrating air bad 116- 1981, 4AD)
cocteau twins - pandora ( treasure cad 412 1984, 4AD )
bauhaus - rose garden funeral of sores (telegram sam ad 17 - 1980, 4AD)
this mortal coil - the lacemaker (blood dad 1005 - 1991, 4AD)
gilbert & lewis - barge calm (3R4 ad 16 - 1980, 4AD)
matt johnson - song without an ending (burning blue soul cad 113- 1981, 4AD)
kristin hersh - hips and malers (hips and makers cad 4002 - 1994, 4AD)
red house painters - summer dress (ocean beach cad 5005 - 1995, 4AD)
pale saints - shell (in ribbons cad 2004 - 1992, 4AD)
the wolfgang press - ghost (standing up straight cad 606 - 1986, 4AD)
rema rema - fond affections (wherel in the roses ad 5 - 1980, 4AD)
future islands - thrill (as long as you are 4ad0270 - 2020, 4AD)
aldous harding - treasure (designer 4ad0102 - 2019 4AD)
adrianne lenker - my angel (songs 4ad0302 - 2020 4AD)


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